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Screen Printing


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"Screen printing is a process that involves pushing ink through a woven mesh stencil onto fabric. The stencil opening creates the space through with the ink will go, to create the design. The ink is then pushed over the mesh, pulled by a fill blade or squeegee. As the blade is pulled, the ink is pushed through the mesh, onto the garment. Because of the technique of screen printing, only one color can be applied at a time." – blog

"Embroidery is the method used for decorating fabrics with a needle and a thread. Contemporary embroidery is stitched with a computerized embroidery machine using patterns digitized with embroidery software. In machine embroidery, different types of "fills" add texture and design to the finished work. Machine embroidery is used to add logos and monograms to business shirts or jackets, gifts, and team apparel as well as to decorate household linens, draperies, and decorator fabrics that mimic the elaborate hand embroidery of the past." – Wikipedia